Friday, July 29, 2011

Unique topics Unique Ideas

Some people are just total assholes.
I don't understand why people have to be the way they are? Is it possible for anyone to even ACT like a normal human being? Our legal system in this country is made the way its made to protect people. Not spit them in the eyes, and kick them in the stomach.

This is how it is. Some people are nice. Some people are not. Some people have jobs they hate, and some people cant FIND jobs at all. Some people have jobs they Love. If you HATE your job, screw you. At least you have one. Think about the friggin glass being full here people. FULL GLASS! job! woho!? SO here comes that whole idea behind a job. You are an employee, not the god himself/herself. YOU work for a paycheck just like everyone else. however if you dont LIKE your job why dont you QUIT your job and go find one you actually LIKE!? WHY does someone get a job as a customer service rep, associate, whatever, and treat the customer (WHO BTW is always right!!?)Like Garbage? how is that okay? HOW can this person NOT get fired? Its messed up.

How is it possible that our world is coming to the way it is.?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unique Ideas Unique Topics

Contuining our last post about laws. Lets Laugh a little bit more.

In Iowa, A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public. One-armed piano players must perform for free. Kisses may last for no more than five minutes. Tanning bed facilities must warn of the risk of getting a sunburn. In Kansas, Pedestrians crossing the highways at night must wear tail lights. In Kentucky, A woman may not buy a hat without her husband’s permission. In Louisiana, Persons could land in jail for up to ten years for stealing an alligator. It is a $500 fine to instruct a pizza delivery man to deliver a pizza to your friend without them knowing.

Crazy eh? i'm done. who cares about laws.. they are just stupidly dumb.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get started!


Here in the US we have some odd laws. Imagine what is possibly the weirdest laws across the world.
I looked it up and I'm going to give you a run down on some of the most weirdest laws ever written. In Thailand its against the law to leave your house without having on underwear. You must pay a fine of $600 in Thailand if you’re caught throwing away chewed bubble gum on the sidewalk. In Switzerland its against the law to flush your toilet after 10pm.  You also cannot wash your car or hang your close to dry outside on a Sunday. In Australia children may not purchase cigarettes, but they may smoke them.  Also, It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday.
Its against the law in France to kiss on the rail. An Astray in France is also considered a deadly weapon.
It is a law in Israel, Bicycles may not ridden without a license,  It is forbidden to bring bears to the beach. Also in Israel, The raising of Rottweiler dogs is prohibited. Picking one’s nose on the Sabbath is illegal. And No loud voices or big lights are allowed during weekends.

That's over seas. Now lets talk about the United States.
Do you think your state has some weird laws? Lets see.. Lets go Alphabetical
In Alabama: It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on a street, for fear of spooking horses.
It is illegal to sell peanuts in Lee County after sundown on Wednesday.  Dominoes may not be played on Sunday. In Alaska, A person may only carry a concealed slingshot if that person has received the appropriate license. Persons may not live in a trailer as it is being hauled across the city. In Arizona,  Hunting camels is prohibited. Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.
There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus. In Arkansas, A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month. Oral sex is considered to be sodomy. Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs  In California,  One may not bring their dog to school. Women may not wear high heels while in the city limits of Carmel. Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways. In Colorado, One may not mutilate a rock in a state park. And Car dealers cannot sell cars on Sundays.  In Connecticut, You will be stooped by the police if you exceed the speed limit of 65mph on  your bicycle.  In Delaware, Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time. Changing into or out of a bathing suit in a public restroom is prohibited. In Florida,  It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit. Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. It is illegal to skateboard without a license. You may not fart in a public place after 6 PM.  In Georgia, Signs are required to be written in English. No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday. In Hawaii, All residents may be fined as a result of not owning a boat. Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears. In Idaho, Dirt from ones house may not be swept into the street. In Illinois, In the Pullman area, it is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb. In Indiana,  Anyone 14 or older who profanely curses, damns or swears by the name of God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, shall be fined one to three dollars for each offense, with a maximum fine of ten dollars per day. A three dollar fine per pack will be imposed on anyone playing cards in Indiana under the Act for the Prevention of Gaming.
Well i think that was allot for one post, To be continued!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get started!

Relationships + Personality= Hahaha

Men and Women have their different ideas of dating. They develop their ideas about relationships at different stages in life. Everyone is different. We are all human. We all develop certain types of personalities. The problem that comes with a persons personaliy is that sometimes their personality doesnt work well in relationships or with other people. Their relationships seem to never work out or they feel doomed to never find that perfect person in life.
In my experience, in which thats all i can compare too, I've had relationships with not great people. I've been in the standard abusive relationship. I've been in the toxic type of relationship. I cannot say that i've been in a great relationship. I can say they all started out great. The problem is. Is it my personality or theirs, thats makes it go sour? Am i at fault Or, am i just into dating wrong people.
When an ex tells me that their new spose is "acting crazy, and it seems all women go crazy around him and maybe hes ment to be a munk" It makes me laugh inside and say, well if you weren't psyco then maybe you might get that great women or keep the great women you do get.
Some songs i've heard make this whole idea just totally make sence.
How i see it. If your single its quite sure that your ment to be that way. If you continue to be so theres a reason.

I don't personally want to be single. I think i deserve someone good in my life. However i'm not going to settle for a half person or someone who isnt good enough for me. I'm awesome and i deserve the best i can find. Might take me a while to find that person maybe they aren't in the same place i am. I will find them. I'm  not going to die an old maid. No way.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get started!

Wild life

found on
Oh my way home today. Walking down a busy street in a suburban area with cars driving bay nonstop, as it is anywhere in this country. I saw 5 deers right next to the street. They were like four hoves from the main road. I walked right by them and they didnt even flintch. The part that was odd to me, was that they were in a half fenced in place.. The door to this fence was wide open and they were just beyond the door on the side of the road. I don't understand why this door is open so that wild animals can get hit by cars. We over populate their home areas cut down trees for more and more homes and business's when we have more then enough in this country. We dont need 17 food marts and 17 new housing developments when there are thousands of empty homes all over the country in need of people to live in them. So these animals loose their homes or are not scared of humans any longer because we can just walk right by them and they look at us like we belong there right next to them. Its sweet but its wrong. Also wrong was the turtle in the curb on the side of the road that got hit by a car and was dead that i walked past and the 4 armadilos in the middle of the road smashed into bits. Its Sick. How about we gate off these wild life areas if we are going to put highways and major roads right next to them because hello a baby chick doesnt know that a car is going to smush them into scrambled chick! A turtle is to slow to even try and get out of the way. Look where your driving people. I felt horrible for this poor turtle. It had no chance what so ever and you could tell it came right out of that lake by the side of the road and walked right off towards the grass and saw the other side of the road and said hey thats new grass and treats ill go over there and get some yummy stuff. An he steps off the curb or maybe even fell off that curb an  BAM he was turtle smushy! :/ !
Armadilos have poor vision those guys didnt even see what hit them!
I watched the deer, they were really pretty and the next thing i thought about was..why would someone want to shoot them. They are so beautiful.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Unique Ideas Unique Topics.

Image from FBI.COM -

At the mall today at closeing a young child is missing. His or her Mother is franticly looking for this child with her two other children in tow behind her. Shes calmly looking around for her child finds a security guard who is coming to the open style playground inside the mall to let people know the mall is now closeing. The mother tells the guard that her child is missing. He tells her to stay put and he starts to slagishly look around the open area that is the exist obviously the child ISNT there because the mother did look. He then, the security guard, tells the women to stay put and they will clear out the mall, wait till it clears out and search for the child.

ARE YOU JOKING!? clear out the mall when a child is missing. are you nutz!!? WHO TAUGHT THIS MAN TO DO HIS JOB!? AMBER ALERT!!CODE ADAM PEOPLE!!!!

I was shocked and i felt horrible for this women i didnt notice her in the playground with her kids but then again i was to busy looking at my children and keeping track of them.
Not one person asked me about my children as i left the mall i coul have stolen this womens child and not one guard stoped me.
You say " well maybe the child was a girl?" you have boys..Yes i do.
However i exited with a women and her son and the guard watched us leave nor did he ask that women about her daughter. Whom by the way was the same ethnicity as the women missing her child.
I could even understand them not asking me for that very reason. Its just insain. I hope thats not their code adam normal precedure. I hope that they dont tell the parents they are going to clear the mall and let everyone GO, then look 85 to 90% of the missing people reported to Americas Law enforcement, in that  number of people missing about 800,000 persons, 2,000 are persons under 18 years of age.
That means that 2,100 times per day a parent or care giver had the disapearance strong enough to report to law enforcement officals.  In 2000, 800,000 persons are missing.

Unique topics, Unique Ideas

American Youth
Image from

As A Mother myself it bothers me to listen to the youth of America today. How unintelligent and raciest they sound. People no longer teach our children to speak respectfully to one another. Its even the same in most grown adults. It sickens me to listen to these children, because they are children, speak so disgustingly.
It also bothers me that so many kids in this country don't learn the proper ways of the world as they should.
Girl's ending up pregnant before they even graduate high school all because they don't even know about birth control. or. Boys thinking that pulling out is the best method around. That the more people you sleep with the more popular you are. That STD's are no big deal. Its just horrible.
I know myself, when i was in high school they teach you a sexual education class, however if people haven't noticed the youth in this country is having sex FAR more early then high school now and if you don't teach them the right manner in which to protect themselves, don't you think we as parents or teachers or even school staff are in dangering our children?

YES!,.. I know Middle school is to young for kids to be having sex or even thinking about sex.

SO, don't you think it would be an intelligent idea to educate our children?
To explain to them your views on the matter. ALLOT younger then you think you should.?
ASK me why i think this? ask me why i believe we should? i just heard middle school boys in a micky D's over their happy meals talking about boobs and having sex. Yeah they might be telling tales. they might be fibbing, but they might not. Do you want your middle schoolers to be fathers? I sure wouldn't.
I bet if i asked those boys what a condom was used for they'd have told me a water balloon fight.
If you asked them if they ever used them they'd say no. Do you know why? Children would be embarrassed to walk into a drug store and buy them. Jez even GROWN men are scared and embarrassed at times to do so. Why i don't know but they are.
Let me tell you first hand the pull out method is a urban myth!


For god's sake WATCH 16 & pregnant. They have had girls on that show as young as 14 or 15 i think. that's just starting high school. Almost everyone of those girls when they are asked by friends if they used protection or not they almost always answered no.
You need more then one protection to give yourself a fighting chance.

Personally i think if you aren't old enough to care and raise a baby you shouldn't have one but that's just me.
If you cant work, if you cant grow up, if you cant go 3 days without sleep..You shouldn't have sex.
yeah yeah its fun. Yeah yeah its a great time. think of the actions that can come FROM the fun people!?

Another point. Teach your children how to speak respectfully in public and around other people. I'm sorry but these kids today talk disgustingly.
In this day and age, you can tell a child from an adult any day just by how they are speaking. How they are talking to their friends.

Educate! BRO is not a word. NOR is anything racial.

*Author Note*
~ please excuse my absence i was sick. Recovered now, ill make up the last few days over the next few days. Maybe 2 posts a day. Any topics you'd like talked about feel free to comment.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get Started!

Today in history, Amnesty International took its mandate from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which says that all people have the right to rise above national, religious, cultural and ideological boundaries. Amnesty International is most famous for its promotion of human rights. Working towards rights in fair trials of prisoners, ending capital punishment and torture. In 1961 they had over 1,000 Volunteer groups in 28 countries.

As it is said, Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This day in age everyone is Guilty and has to prove the nation of their innocence. That's how it is. Your innocent until your day in court, were you get a fair trial. Or you should. In America they over publicise cases and the people being tried may or may not have done whatever crime they are being accused off. Sometimes they don't even have REAL true evidence proving a guilty verdict.  Those people just assume they are guilty because the news casters, reporters and news papers say so.

You have a right to a fair and honest trial but how is that ever going to happen if the media over publicises cases on the news.
The Top Story now in the news is the Casey Anthony. Again over publicised. Everyone is pushing to believe she did it. They release everything about this case before she even went into court. I understand a child was murdered. But maybe she wasn't murder. Maybe deep down it was some freak accident people do weird stuff. Maybe the little girl got hurt maybe she died and this women just didn't know what to do. What would you do if your kid got killed around you accidentally and it just couldn't be proven as a true accident. shes 25 years old. This case is like what a year old. At any age, people all think the same if something like that ever happened. Your gut says, oh my god what am i going to do? Maybe she freaked out. Went into some freak survival mode. Its allot of maybes. Maybe she did kill her. but, maybe she didn't. We really aren't going to know for sure because its been given away before she ever had a chance in defending herself. Everyone deserves a fair and equal right to a media free trial.

As it says online on  "Prosecutors contend Anthony suffocated Caylee with duct tape. Anthony's defense team says the child drowned accidentally in a family pool. If convicted, she could be sentenced to death."

MAYBE, the little girl did drown. Maybe she did, we just don't know. Her mother might have freaked out. People do weird and odd things when they think someone is going to send them to jail or put to death for something. My guess is, it happened she freaked. and took the girl to the woods and made it look like someone took her kid and killed her.  Yeah its stupid. yeah she did a really stupid thing. I don't think she deserves to die for a maybe. She did some stupid stuff after it did happen. Party's, drinking and acting like nothing happened. Maybe in her mind it didn't happen. The mind is a complex thing. I just don't think she deserves to die. She wont get a unbiased trial. Not in the US.  If she did do it, i think she should go to jail for the rest of her life.  If it comes down too it, it was murder yes. It sure was. People do stupid things.
When you read about it you say to yourself this women is guilty. Before you can hear all the facts to know the whole story. You just assume she is because that's what the media says.

So how are our human rights being given to us these days?
Read the Constitution. It states how we should be. however we aren't given our rights.
I'm sure there are many cases in the media that get overly medized.
That innocent people DO get sent to jail.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get Started!

Welfare was created in the United States in the 1930's durning the Great Depression. By the 1960's 4.1% of Families were in the public assistance programs across the nation. By the 1980's it increased the percentage by 10%. In 2008, 28.6 % of people are on public assistance.
It is a common misconception that everyone on welfare, is poor. In the news recently it is said that a Lottery Winner of 2$ million, Department of Human Services officials confirmed that they had told Leroy Fick, 59, that he could continue to receive aid because he took his Make Me Rich earnings in a lump sum and still met the earned income threshold for food assistance.  How is that okay?

I have personal experience in having to need this assistance. Have you ever had to go into a public aid office?
Have you ever had to sit for 6 hours waiting for your name to be called?
My personal experience was, i was 9 months pregnant, and a case worker, sent me a form late. I went into the office the day i received the letter stating they needed to be sure i was still pregnant. I'm not sure why? It was with my first child, I'm not sure if maybe they thought i needed the pregnant medical care because i wasn't pregnant? the Lord only knows why. I brought myself and my huge belly into the office. Put my name on the list for my case worker to come down from her office and see me, fix the issue. Very much pregnant i then sat for 5 hours waiting for my name to be called. When i was called, the worker talked to me for 3 Min's. She got my name and looked at me and said. " yup honey your pregnant, lets fix this." So she handed me a form to fill out again. I did. The insurance they had given me instead which needed to be fixed was for women who were not pregnant. So, if i went into labor i would not be covered by the state for my birth or hospital stay. The case worker went on to talk and gab to someone next to me. Talking for about 15 minutes to this person about her nails and her boyfriend, other topics that had nothing to do with her job what so ever. She told me to then leave my paperwork and she would go right up to her office and fix the problem that happened and i should be fine, it would take her " like 15 Min's" to fix it. I should go home and rest and "do my thing". So i did. she had said that my new Medical card would arrive in the mail all fixed up. Since i was 9 months pregnant it would maybe arrive after i already had my baby but if i took and older card to the ER with me the case workers in the hospitals could find my information in their system no problem.  So i went home. 2 weeks later i had my son unexpectedly.  I gave birth to my beautiful baby to find out that i was not covered. Speaking to a case worker in the hospital, told me that my medical card was still listed as a non-pregnant person. I told the worker about how i had it fixed 2 weeks ago at my local office, that my case worker took my information and was to fix the problem. I was told that, " i guess she didn't do it?" When a child is born in my state they Go Right on your medical plan. They are covered by the state if you don't have one. So my child's care was covered but his birth was not. Having no job because i lost it when i was pregnant. How is that right?   How is it okay for a person to have a job and be paid to do a job and yet they don't DO their jobs? I just don't understand this. How is it right to do this to people. To ruin peoples lives and make them sicker, or weaker in the world.

I guess that there ARE some people on the planet who are ON public assistance because they just want to be on it. Why because its free right? If you had a choice between Free and Paid wouldn't you want free?
You have to prove your arm is still attached to you so that they can surgically remove it when they background check you for your public aid assistance. You might need to cut off a few toes as payment to receive the assistance. They always find a way to mess it up for you.  Public aid did that to me not once. but Twice. The second time i almost died when i needed the medical coverage, I birthed a Million Dollar baby.  As a Non-pregnant women. I must have been the virgin Mary because one minute I'm not pregnant and then bam 7 months later I'm having a baby as a pregnant female on insurance for plain old single women.
Thank God for helpful people.

How is it right that our system is like this?
I call a Office and i get a voicemail. I leave a message and i don't get a call back.
Why have a phone if you aren't going to answer it. Why ask people to leave a message if you aren't going to EVER call them back.?

I feel those who don't need the help shouldn't use it.
I feel those who DO need the help should receive it without the leg amputation process.
Those who receive the help and don't need it should be ashamed of themselves.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get Started!

Homeless Americans
In the 1980's the US Government found that somewhere between 200,000 and 500,000 Americans were homeless. With about a total population of 227,224,681 in the 1980's.
In 2009, there were found in one night to be a total of  about  643,000 Americans. Sheltered and Unsheltered. Makes it about 1 in every 200 people is homeless. Is said the major reasons for homelessness is due to, prison release, unemployment, domestic violence & poverty.

The goal in 2010, is to stop homelessness. they have a 10 year plan.  OR so they say.
White house says "The Vision of the Plan is: "No one should experience homelessness - no one should be without a safe, stable place to call home." This is true. NO ONE should ever be without a home. But hey, 1 in every 200 people IS homeless in America since 2009. 2 years later the homeless population has gone up and up.
In the next 5 years they say they are going to END homelessness in Americans or that is their goal to do so.

I think, that no one should ever be homeless. We have a high population. This world has MORE then enough homes in it for every single American to have a home. There should be no reason to deny a human being a home and a place to live. Money is MONEY. Its green paper that's makes the world go around. Is money more important then a human life. That is what it comes down to in America. Money or Death. The Human Heart has been sucked dry of all that is good. I believe that it is also sad that humans don't care about other humans. How they live or how they act.  I think that every person should have to live in a homeless shelter for a day and see how it feels to be one. You should experience the low of the world. I don't think a person chooses to be homeless. It is pushed upon them. I do understand that a large number of the homeless population are people whom have drug or alcoholic problem. Which they should be given help. I understand its a sickness. Do Americans allow people with heart problems or diabetes to go without medical attention?
Do we allow people who are sick not to have help. Some people cant ask for help because they are to proud.  I guess those people choose that life and that's their choice. however the 80 or 90% population of that large number of people who don't choose to be that way and have no choice in that matter. They should be given help.

We have more then enough great things in this world. Why does money rule out world. Its trees. Its Green.

Its just sad.

You know the solution to this problem?
Greedy people who want money need to lower there take.
If the government spent less money on garbage they might be able to fix this country.
I don't think a senator, or Governor, or even the president should be paid as much as they are for their jobs.
A Senator makes $174,000  a year roughly. The president is paid $400,000 per year (annually), and has a $50,000 spending budget. How is that right? He is paid 4,000 a month, just to do his job.
A police officer makes about 17,000 to 23,000 a year.
HOW are we paying these people SO much money to do their jobs. the government could be spending that money so much better.

I am sickened by how this world has turned out.