Saturday, May 28, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get Started!

Today in history, Amnesty International took its mandate from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which says that all people have the right to rise above national, religious, cultural and ideological boundaries. Amnesty International is most famous for its promotion of human rights. Working towards rights in fair trials of prisoners, ending capital punishment and torture. In 1961 they had over 1,000 Volunteer groups in 28 countries.

As it is said, Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This day in age everyone is Guilty and has to prove the nation of their innocence. That's how it is. Your innocent until your day in court, were you get a fair trial. Or you should. In America they over publicise cases and the people being tried may or may not have done whatever crime they are being accused off. Sometimes they don't even have REAL true evidence proving a guilty verdict.  Those people just assume they are guilty because the news casters, reporters and news papers say so.

You have a right to a fair and honest trial but how is that ever going to happen if the media over publicises cases on the news.
The Top Story now in the news is the Casey Anthony. Again over publicised. Everyone is pushing to believe she did it. They release everything about this case before she even went into court. I understand a child was murdered. But maybe she wasn't murder. Maybe deep down it was some freak accident people do weird stuff. Maybe the little girl got hurt maybe she died and this women just didn't know what to do. What would you do if your kid got killed around you accidentally and it just couldn't be proven as a true accident. shes 25 years old. This case is like what a year old. At any age, people all think the same if something like that ever happened. Your gut says, oh my god what am i going to do? Maybe she freaked out. Went into some freak survival mode. Its allot of maybes. Maybe she did kill her. but, maybe she didn't. We really aren't going to know for sure because its been given away before she ever had a chance in defending herself. Everyone deserves a fair and equal right to a media free trial.

As it says online on  "Prosecutors contend Anthony suffocated Caylee with duct tape. Anthony's defense team says the child drowned accidentally in a family pool. If convicted, she could be sentenced to death."

MAYBE, the little girl did drown. Maybe she did, we just don't know. Her mother might have freaked out. People do weird and odd things when they think someone is going to send them to jail or put to death for something. My guess is, it happened she freaked. and took the girl to the woods and made it look like someone took her kid and killed her.  Yeah its stupid. yeah she did a really stupid thing. I don't think she deserves to die for a maybe. She did some stupid stuff after it did happen. Party's, drinking and acting like nothing happened. Maybe in her mind it didn't happen. The mind is a complex thing. I just don't think she deserves to die. She wont get a unbiased trial. Not in the US.  If she did do it, i think she should go to jail for the rest of her life.  If it comes down too it, it was murder yes. It sure was. People do stupid things.
When you read about it you say to yourself this women is guilty. Before you can hear all the facts to know the whole story. You just assume she is because that's what the media says.

So how are our human rights being given to us these days?
Read the Constitution. It states how we should be. however we aren't given our rights.
I'm sure there are many cases in the media that get overly medized.
That innocent people DO get sent to jail.

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