Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unique Topics Unique Ideas

Lets get Started!

Homeless Americans
In the 1980's the US Government found that somewhere between 200,000 and 500,000 Americans were homeless. With about a total population of 227,224,681 in the 1980's.
In 2009, there were found in one night to be a total of  about  643,000 Americans. Sheltered and Unsheltered. Makes it about 1 in every 200 people is homeless. Is said the major reasons for homelessness is due to, prison release, unemployment, domestic violence & poverty.

The goal in 2010, is to stop homelessness. they have a 10 year plan.  OR so they say.
White house says "The Vision of the Plan is: "No one should experience homelessness - no one should be without a safe, stable place to call home." This is true. NO ONE should ever be without a home. But hey, 1 in every 200 people IS homeless in America since 2009. 2 years later the homeless population has gone up and up.
In the next 5 years they say they are going to END homelessness in Americans or that is their goal to do so.

I think, that no one should ever be homeless. We have a high population. This world has MORE then enough homes in it for every single American to have a home. There should be no reason to deny a human being a home and a place to live. Money is MONEY. Its green paper that's makes the world go around. Is money more important then a human life. That is what it comes down to in America. Money or Death. The Human Heart has been sucked dry of all that is good. I believe that it is also sad that humans don't care about other humans. How they live or how they act.  I think that every person should have to live in a homeless shelter for a day and see how it feels to be one. You should experience the low of the world. I don't think a person chooses to be homeless. It is pushed upon them. I do understand that a large number of the homeless population are people whom have drug or alcoholic problem. Which they should be given help. I understand its a sickness. Do Americans allow people with heart problems or diabetes to go without medical attention?
Do we allow people who are sick not to have help. Some people cant ask for help because they are to proud.  I guess those people choose that life and that's their choice. however the 80 or 90% population of that large number of people who don't choose to be that way and have no choice in that matter. They should be given help.

We have more then enough great things in this world. Why does money rule out world. Its trees. Its Green.

Its just sad.

You know the solution to this problem?
Greedy people who want money need to lower there take.
If the government spent less money on garbage they might be able to fix this country.
I don't think a senator, or Governor, or even the president should be paid as much as they are for their jobs.
A Senator makes $174,000  a year roughly. The president is paid $400,000 per year (annually), and has a $50,000 spending budget. How is that right? He is paid 4,000 a month, just to do his job.
A police officer makes about 17,000 to 23,000 a year.
HOW are we paying these people SO much money to do their jobs. the government could be spending that money so much better.

I am sickened by how this world has turned out.

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